Have you ever had a power surge disfigurement electronics after a blackout? No? I would have said, “me neither,” had…
Insomnia hit me at the correct hour that monsters stroll if you believe in such things. I walked downstairs to…
Mirriam set down the musky cologne he had been dabbing in the hollow of his throat plus turned to his…
I remember the first time I had to visit an Heating plus A/C business. It wasn’t for home-related Heating plus…
The Heating and A/C contractor added that even the control unit was failing Mirriam set down the musky cologne she…
Springtime is here, and as much as the weather is excellent for taking road trips and being outdoors, there is…
Would you purchase a book depicting the experiences of a person who isn’t famous or wealthy? My buddies have been…
Do people buy books on the life of someone who isn’t famous or wealthy? Dan’s pals are trying to convince…
The HEPA filter salesman offered us the best advice and said to just follow our dreams, which is what we’re…
Would you read a book on the life of someone who isn’t famous or wealthy? Briana’s friends are telling her…