My brother and I both want the best for our families

My brother and I have always been pretty close over the years.

  • We always had this unbreakable bond and we would always look out for one another.

Eventually, we both got really good careers and then we settled down and got married to beautiful wives. It’s funny how we always had similar ideas but would do things in a different type of way. While I got a house with a nice fireplace along with a boiler system, he chose a nice house with a ductless mini split. He told me how he loved the ductless mini split because it has built in air purification, HVAC zone control, and it’s highly energy efficient. Well, my boiler system is also very efficient and I have an energy efficient cooling system as well but it uses a ductwork system. I don’t have his fancy ductless system, but I was able to hook up a nice UV air purification system that utilizes the ductwork to improve the air quality in the entire house. Admittedly, we both have good air quality in our homes. This was also very important to us when we both decided to start families with our wives. Even though my brother had built in air purification with his ductless mini split, I convinced him how important it was to get UV air purifiers for his baby because the UV light kills harmful pathogens in the air. He was thankful for my recommendation because it helped him to feel at ease knowing his baby would not get sick all of the time. I was just happy to help and I’m really happy that our children are able to get along so well with each other. We both want to have big families too.

Radiant floor heating

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