When he’s nervous, he changes the thermostat

This is very helpful so I know what kind of air quality I’ll be walking into at the end of the day.

Well, it seems like I’m probably going to walk into quite an anxious situation when I get home today. I’m not very excited to return home from my job and deal with somebody being in a high-strung mood. However, I’ll do everything that I can to help the situation once I get there. I simply hope that my husband can hold his shit together until I finally arrive. How do I know that it’s going to be such a bad day? Because the smart thermostat keeps telling me so. You see, at our house we operate a smart thermostat to control our indoor air temperature control system. We learned a long time ago that it was important to use a smart thermostat with amazing Energy Efficiency settings rather than relying on an old-school dial thermostat. Now, I can see all of the temperature alterations that are happening at home no matter where I am on the planet. Using my smart thermostat app I can easily detect temperature changes and thermostat programming alterations. This is very helpful so I know what kind of air quality I’ll be walking into at the end of the day. It’s also useful because I noticed a long time ago that my husband fiddles with the thermostat excessively when he is feeling hot and bothered. If he’s in an anxious or nervous mood he repeatedly harasses the thermostat as a way to distract himself. How do I know that today is an anxious day in our household? There have been about 5 dozen thermostat changes so far. And it’s only 10AM.
a/c workman

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